Resilience is the ability to cope with adversity and the ability to bounce back from stressful situations. We see and hear more and more instances of conflict, bullying and personal drama and its impact in the workplace and other places such as the schoolyard, and through social media. Building Resilience will benefit: Personal 1. Well-being (health) 2. Balancing work, personal and family obligations 3. Happiness and achievement Workplace 1. Assist in reducing work health safety risks 2. Reduces interpersonal conflicts, including bullying 3. Assists with internal restructuring and changing duties.
Everyone has the same number of minutes in their daytime which is 1440 minutes. So, why do we say we don’t have enough time, there are not enough minutes in the day and so on! The answer is simple we choose to do one thing over another hence we prioritise based on our behavioural preference or needs as well as what is influencing us within our model of the world. One of our greatest struggles when we are at work, is knowing how to prioritise tasks that are of greatest priority for our supervisor, the company and most of all ourselves. We will show how to reclaim an extra hour each day that you are currently using for little to no outcome.
Your customers are precious, they should be treated with respect, kindness and knowledge. The ability to communicate effectively, solve problems and encourage continuous return for your services is the stalwart of every business. Sometimes in customer service we and our team will take our eye off the ball, to which there are some terrible consequences. We take a holistic view of your customer service skills combining value alignment, behaviour, skill and attitude. Our training is contextualised to your business, tailored to you and your staff. We impact your attitude and behaviour then we teach you skills that gain impressive results.
There are times when we don’t realise that we are feeling the pressure of either physical or mental exertion. The consequences of not being aware or ignoring how you are responding to the world around you can have significant results. We help you to understand how stress is impacting on your life and how you can make changes to overcome feelings of being overwhelmed and or sad.
Have you ever considered that your audience is as nervous as you? That’s right, they worry who they are sitting next to, if the presenter is going to single them out and more. Presenting to others need not be as painful as inserting shards of glass in your butt when you know how to structure your presentation, get the right mindset, overcome your fears and more. This program will give you the confidence, the strategies and the techniques to giving authentic and sincere presentations. It could be for work, or a special event, we have the secrets for your success.
Planning your career is like planning your next holiday, getting married or buying a house. To be successful you need to take stock of what you have, what you need to do and plan out the stages to success.
Similarly, in planning your career, you need to identify your current skills, what do you enjoy doing, how good are you at it and what skill gaps do you have. We can conduct a skills audit and guide you in identifying your gaps and developing a career path.
Furthermore, we will assist you in developing your resume, preparing you for interview and even connect you through our network with opportunities that we have identified.
The ability to demonstrate skills and tasks, and to delegate and develop skills is an essential component within any business. Unless you are an RTO (and even then, this program would support you) you don’t need nationally accredited certification to provide effective workplace training. This two day program has a minimum of 6 participants and is not for the faint hearted and yes, we will video you. Seriously we will teach you how to prepare, how to breakdown the task and how to provide feedback.