What is it to have done every aspect perfectly, to be perfect?1
Certainly in engineering perfection of the mechanics is essential but it doesn't always go fully to plan.
One small item may break fall off and cause a catastrophic event.
The human aspect to achieve perfection is not as straightforward.
Many of those I work with strive for the perfect P
Often the desire for perfection has derived from the early narrative they have heard repetitively.
Don't hold your knife like that, do it like this. Sit up straight, no you can't help you will only make a mess.
Surely you can get better grades than that put some effort into it. Oh look you haven't done that properly do it again look you missed this bit.
Even worse one of my clients shared how their parent insisted on them entering craft competitions and when my client was asleep aged 8 years the parent would recreate the craft item so it was perfect while they slept.
To wake to the item now recreated entered into the competition which would now win.
The message being received can be interpreted as not good enough can't get it right feeling left out not up to standard and much much more.
Our logical mind says no one is perfect yet our emotions say I am not doing it well enough I can't do anything right or I am not enough etc.
Striving for the perfect P can result in inertia no action why have a go or try if I am not going to succeed.
The ups and downs or the 5 stages of Learning make it too uncertain for some to embrace the journey hence they may miss out on going for the job made for them. Having a go at something new.
It can be tough really tough for those seeking the perfect P.
So what can you do
Self acceptance you are you and that's just fine
Reflect on what has been achieved eg you have a job people compliment you for your work
Accept the compliment feedback as a gift genuinely listen and accept they are telling you their truth.
Accept each stage in the now not in the future of what if
If you have done your best then that's your best with what you know and resources you have.
And remember the letter P is just a vertical line with a circle at the top I O